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Juan last won the day on April 26

Juan had the most liked content!

About Juan

  • Birthday 12/27/1971

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    Alvarez Ferrando

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4,364 profile views

Juan's Achievements

DBD Legend

DBD Legend (7/7)

  • New Drum Warrior (Post in Introduce Yourself)
  • Kick Pedal (200th Reaction)
  • Throne (50th Reaction) Rare
  • Bass Drum (5th comment/reply) Rare
  • Rack Tom (50th comment/reply) Rare

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  1. Hi Robert! I see in your profile picture we have another common interest: Japanese. I studied a bit on my own for some time, but instead as of with drumming, never took classes and I didn't get far. But it is still something that draws me a lot.

    1. Robert


      Dude. That’s awesome. It’s a pleasure to meet you too!   I lived there for several years studying Jujutsu. I spoke some and can recognize some kanjis but never really concentrated on writing and reading. My time with my Sensei was a gift.  

  2. I don't have a personal opinion, but my in-person teacher, a seasoned jazz and Latin jazz player made a strong statement about plastic tips being too harsh sounding on cymbals, and specially the ride, and that he would only use them on mesh heads. But hey, sound is such a personal thing and I'm sure not every ride sounds bad with those tips. considering you have to play all the kit with the same stick, I think this should be explored over the snare and HH at least. Any references of jazz players using plastic tips?
  3. @Juan awesome shuffle tunes and original songs by Body and The Soulers. I have a new band to follow. I appreciate your gesture Juan.

    Por cierto, let me know when we can do a zoom face to face, or anyone for that matter, if they'd like to join in.

    Much has happened. SDS level 2 is over...pumped up! I have also been playing with musicians and we already have our song list

    Best of luck for you Juan and for all my SDS friends! 

    1. Steven


      Count me in the Zoom!! Would love to catch up!

    2. Juan


      Yeah! we have to set up something these next days.

    3. Bob
  4. Welcome Nicole! So glad you joined! Hope you are finding you way easy through the site and lessons. Let us know in the forums if we can help somehow.

    1. Nicole


      Hey Juan! Thank you so much... I'm excited to be here! 

  5. Juan

    Welcome Rusty! Hope you feel at home here and have fun with the lessons. Don't miss the chance to form part of this great community too. Everyone is very supportive and can really help a lot.

    1. Rusty


      Thanks Juan, very much appreciated.🙂

  6. For me, besides changing the sound and feel, it makes no difference playing sticks from 7A to 5B, maple or hickory, wich is all the range I have covered. I have small hands and belive I would have issues with bigger and heavier sizes.
  7. Welcome Dr! Glad you joined. How's your drumming journey so far?

    1. Matthias


      Hi Juan, somewhere between bad and worse. On the positive side, it can only get better 🙂 Do you know, how I can change my Display Name?

    2. Juan


      Sure. Send a PM to @Grant and/or an email to help@stephensdrumshed.com 

      But Dr is nice and there are no more Drs 👍🏻😁. Don't choose a common first name, just the first few get listed when we use the @ to tag people, and we have many Roberts and Bobs, etc 😅

      Practice will quickly improve. I assume you are just starting. Two most important things, be consistent (better little time often that a lot once a week), and have fun (add fun things and look for fun ways do do the lesson. Put music to what you do as often as you can). Time will do the rest 

      You can come to the forums with anything, even if just to share a bad or good practice you have. We all here love to hear from others and there's always some learning for others in your experience, even if you don't think.

  8. Juan

    Welcome Ryan!

    Digged your profile pictures. Is that you playing in the street? That's a lot of gear to haul. Do you that often?

    And the mountains illustration is very nice, are those of King's Peak (Utah)?

    1. Ryan


      Hey Juan! Thanks for the kind words. That photo was one of the last gigs I played before the pandemic hit, and unfortunately, I haven’t played a gig since. That band dissolved, I’m considering looking for something new. 

      The painting was done by my dad, it depicts the Wasatch mountain range in Utah, though the prominent peak here is Timpanogos. My dad passed away last year and I’ve been putting his art on all my profiles since. 

    2. Juan


      That's a lovely way to honor and remember your dad. I know how that helps to feel them still present in our lives. First year is the worse, it will get less overwhelming. Keep strong.

      Hope you find some people to start a new band soon. It is not easy to find people that will commit. I just joined some guys to jam, but it's taken me some months, and we are not even requiring regular rehearsals. 

    3. Ryan


      Thanks so much Juan. Best of luck to you with your new project!

  9. Juan

    Hey Alvin! Welcome to SDS. Hope you find yourself at home and enjoy the lessons. Come by the forums if you need any help or advice.


  10. Juan

    Hey Mark. How are you doing? Nice to have you here in SDS. Let us know if we can help.

  11. This calls for a recording (video please 🙂 )
  12. first result I got, did not check it. hope it is useful https://www.7drumcity.com/uploads/4/4/2/7/4427384/when_the_levee_breaks.pdf
  13. Beautiful! Love how the song keeps its paused feel despite the fast tempo.
  14. Hi Renee. Your struggles sound familiar. Your accuracy hitting the drums will improve as you accumulate practice time. But check for things that may be making you hit sticks more often. Like your position and that of the instruments. Make the moves slow looking at your hands, then faster and check if the trajectory is so close that makes it easy to hit sticks. Speed is a common cause. On one hand moving our hands faster we are less accurate, and on the other we have less time to plan our moves and those doubts at the last moment rush us. So in each exercise try to start doing it slow enough to feel in complete control, and add speed gradually, not moving on until you are confident again. That is not a beginner thing to do, bit the common trade of practice.
  15. Warning! If he gets to do it, and he probably would, the laws of physics would reverse and there would no longer be a reaction for and action but an action for a reaction and we would have to unhit the drum to make them sound, or make drum sounds to make the sticks bounce 😱😂
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