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Do you love the sound of jam? This is the place for you!
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Love to listen to jam bands and wanted to see if any one had suggestions and also wanted to throw some out myself: Goose - time to flee (live - cool outdoor daytime show) Particle - Launchpad (live)
  3. Hi Everyone I'm Noel and I am in a crossover covers bands called Bangeeboo. It's Czech meaning someone who has a weird or bandy walk. We cover Shakatak and micheal jackson covers, also a bit of Stevie Wonder thrown in for good measure.
  4. This thread could be cross listed in church drumming. I once used to attend a church that had jam style praise and worship music. That was also a big influence in my love of jam band style music. It's a rarity to find that style of praise and worship music where I live...or even anywhere. So I did some searching a while back and found Deadbones Revival on SoundCloud. I've got a couple of their recordings in this post. Listen to Come Up Jam by Deadbones Revival on #SoundCloud Listen to GP And The Burning Heart The Land 5/17 by Deadbones Revival on #SoundCloud
  5. You'd be surprised at how many people are into jam bands throughout the world. So I figured if I build it, they will come haha. There are so many jam bands out there that I'm not even aware of. Would love to get more exposure to local jam bands from other regions of the country/world. It's a culture of music that definitely flies under the mainstream for sure.
  6. This is awesome!!!! What a sick playlist, super helpful when diving into this style.
  7. Here's a good starter playlist for those folks who may be unfamiliar with jam bands. This forum thread is open for anyone who might want to share their own jam band playlists of music they listen to.

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