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Everything posted by Renee

  1. Well, I can read music, but I can usually hear the notes and then the notes get reinforced by reading the notes and then its in my memory. But for the drums, I am hearing/feeling the beats of the different drums and cymbals and when they get struck, but my sticks go flying because I realized I'm not hitting the fills and runs with the correct stick positions. I have a stick holder just in reach that I can quick get a stick when they go flying. I go fishing for my sticks after every practice. So that is why I am kinda stuck on the grooves then fills section. I can play it, but sometimes the next move might be a traffic jam. Also, I have to keep reminding myself that the drummers on all of those songs put A LOT of practice to it and played each one hundreds of times. I can't expect to hit it 100% right out the bag. But I'm close.
  2. I'm having a real hard time following along when I look at the sheet music. But if I just listen to when the beat is played and by which drum head I''m supposed to hit, I can do it correctly. Also, I have to close my eyes to play. Anyone else have this issue? More practice for me!
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