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Everything posted by David

  1. They sound quite interesting Julia. I remember when graphite started to become popular in the golf industry back in the 80s- it was light, a little too fragile and pretty expensive. Things have changed hugely in the meantime and I was surprised to see the price of these sticks being comparable to a wooden stick. I'm sure that you will find a use for them- have fun!
  2. Thanks Julia. My wrist feels much better than it did a few weeks back... how much of that improvement can be attributed to the larger/heavier sticks I am unsure, but I am convinced that they are helping me to rebuild strength which is a very good thing. I hear you about enjoying moving from one size stick to another and I also find that it helps to develop feel. Although I don't use these big guys on the kit, they are my go-to sticks on the practice pad at the moment and things are moving along smoothly. Have a good weekend!
  3. I already have 7As (which I use on the kit) and 5Bs which are used mainly on a practice pad but after injuring my wrist a month or so ago, I thought that a heavier stick (for use on the pad) would help me to rehabilitate and allow me to build more strength. So far, things are going very well - I have large hands in any case so holding the larger diameter stick is not a problem and my wrist is already feeling more stable after 10 days of work. There is no temptation to use them on the kit, but I believe that anything which makes practice more interesting and fun has to be a good idea. I grabbed a quick snap of the new sticks alongside a pair of 7A for those of you who may not have seen them in person.
  4. Thanks for the explanation Tim - that is pretty much what I understood but put much more clearly. Basically for those of you TL/DR Pocket = Nate Smith πŸ˜‚
  5. It will be a long trip to the housewarming - please give me some notice! πŸ˜‚
  6. As newbies, it is easy to fall through the cracks with even semi-technical discussions because we don't always have the vocabulary which relates to music in general or to a specific instrument in particular. Terms such as "pocket" are often used and generally understood... I am often the one to ask the questions which are on others' lips, hence this topic. I'd love to hear your thoughts.
  7. With the income stream from your Signature stick, the world is your oyster.
  8. I have never bothered to try any of the "Signature" sticks but reading the descriptions has been interesting. As a complete newbie, I don't yet appreciate the subtleties of taper, head shape etc but the simple length and weight is what I have based my decisions upon.
  9. Now that you have created your very own signature stick, you simply need to add your SIGNATURE!
  10. This thread is worth nothing without photos 😎 Cool story, Julia. Don't forget to post in the monthly member challenge - all about sticks in July!
  11. I should have added my reply in my initial post... DOH! I learnt to play an electric organ as a kid (many, many years back) but haven't touched that again in decades. The idea of rhythm has always fascinated me and I came to the conclusion that drums would be more fun than a bass guitar. I bought a practice pad and a pair of sticks quite a while back mainly to see if my arthritic hands and arms would stand up to the daily use and so far things are going well. My drum kit has provided lots of fun thus far and I have spent quite a bit of time following Stephen's youtube channel before being convinced to get with the program during his Kickstarter project. Goals are to be able to play enough basic stuff that I can enjoy myself without driving my wife crazy and perhaps to have some fun when any friends are convinced to come by and bring their instruments.
  12. Seeing as we are all new at this, I thought that it may be interesting to find out how much we have in common as far as motivation is concerned. What convinced you to start playing the drums? Do you play other instruments? How are you enjoying the ride so far?
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