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Julia last won the day on October 6 2023

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About Julia

  • Birthday 08/09/1871

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DBD Legend (7/7)

  • New Drum Warrior (Post in Introduce Yourself)
  • Kick Pedal (200th Reaction)
  • Bass Drum (5th comment/reply) Rare
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  1. Hi magnificent followers,

    I am so sorry for leaving the community for so long.  I have been working through some difficult issues involving burnout (not the conventional type - the autistic type, which can be really debilitating).  Life just gets overwhelming sometimes, and I find I am unable to do things even if they are interests or sources of joy, like drumming.  It's similar to depression, but not quite the same.

    It's taking me time to pull out of it, but I am covering all my bases and attending to all aspects of self-care to avoid falling back.  It's really frustrating that this happens to me, but I am better off if I just call it what it is and do what I can to just keep swimming along.

    There was a phase where I wasn't practicing drumming consistently, but hopping on the kit to mess around.  Then I got back into practice but wasn't ready to come back to the community forum -- it was daunting to think, "What should I say about what's going on with me?"

    I decided to just tell it like it is, this would be better than staying away.

    I really have missed you all.

    I am 90% finished with the Warrior Way.  I need to keep going, I want to accomplish this.  I'm stuck on Basics of Groove Lesson 23, it's not coming together for me for some reason.  I am also on Lesson 2 of Hand and Foot Doubles (not difficult, just putting in the time and effort).  It will definitely take me more than a month to finish the last 11 lessons of WW, but I am determined.

    As I work on these, I have started to do a review of the entire WW.  The beginner material is delightfully easy to play now (with a few exceptions of course 😆 )!  I love going back, seeing my progress, and trying to perfect what I only did "well enough" before.  

    Tell me what you're up to, and what I've been missing here!  

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    2. Julia


      Thank you so much Robert, I’m very happy to see you again.  Struggles are struggles, drums are forever.

    3. Juan


      @Julia you have great merit. It is way more difficult to come back and rebuild a practice routing than keep doing it. I liked reading that though not active here, you were sill practicing or playing from time to time, just as I imagined you were.

    4. Julia


      Hi @Juan, your encouragement means a lot to me.  I am actually enjoying rebuilding my practice, which is nice because I feared I would be more frustrated than I actually am. 

      That said, please share your advice, if you have any, on how to rebuild effectively.  So far, I have benefitted from going to back to the Beginner Tracks and using them as warmup, review, and assessment for myself.  

      You saw my post about the difficulty with the hihat accents, that's something to work on.  I plan to work on that, finish the Hand and Foot Doubles tracks (they're going fine), and keep moving through the review.  

      As I review songs, I am deciding to either practice the song or substitute another I like better of a similar level/skill.  I want to get ready for recording videos, finally.

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