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All kinds of drumming challenges to beat...or have fun trying. Take up the gauntlet here, or throw it down for your fellow Shedheads. Choose a challenge, try it out, share your experience, even find others to battle it out with. Challenge your drummer friends to attempt the daring feats you've thought up.
  1. What's new in this club
  2. Dans la vengeance et dans l'amour, la femme est plus barbare que l'homme.
  3. Warning! If he gets to do it, and he probably would, the laws of physics would reverse and there would no longer be a reaction for and action but an action for a reaction and we would have to unhit the drum to make them sound, or make drum sounds to make the sticks bounce 😱😂
  4. @chantale j’ai débuté ce nouveau club avec les défis qu’on a posté et pour le tien je t’ai présenté avec le compliment « extraordinaire » mais pour celui de @Bob je n’ai dit que « SDS member » (ce n’était pas exprès) et il est devenu jaloux le pauvre, il m’a taquiné 😄 donc je prends ma revanche 😉
  5. Well....I'm lost in this discussion but honored to be your evil twin @Bob. I'm the good one you're the bad one, depending on the day. You're the grumpy old man, I'm the slightly younger "Shed head extraordinaire" (?? 🤔) But that doesn't depend on the day.😄 Anyway, I love you and you know it ! 🙂
  6. Uh oh @chantale your evil twin is acting up again, can’t help but like him though 😆 Ok @Bob for that I’m adjusting the challenge: now you have to play AND sing Billie Jean backwards. Video or it didn’t happen 😉
  7. The reason I asked is that @chantale and I are actually the same person. We just dress differently. She could be extraordinaire and I'll settle for ordinaire. @Julia is a sweetheart and I was busting her chops in jest.
  8. Yep, a more proper honorific treatment would be Lord Of Snares Bob. 🤘😁 And of course "DBD Legend"
  9. None intended, @Bob, thank you for pointing out my uneven descriptors. It was at the end of a long work day I came up with the idea of the new club and I was running out of steam. Apologies, I will change it up 🙂
  10. Shed Head Extraordinaire @chantale. I believe there is some bias here. I wonder why.
  11. Shedheads are geniuses at finding new ways to hone skills while entertaining and inspiring themselves and each other. A common theme in the forum threads is "Hey, I tried this, it's cool, see if you can do it!" Now we have a place to keep all of these ideas so they're perpetually browsable and discussable. You are invited to try what's been posted here, link to interesting ideas other members have suggested in the forums (there are many, please help gather them here as you find them), or post your own new ideas. Come back and test your skills, see what others have experienced when they tried a challenge listed here, and cheer each other on. Have at it!
  12. Amazing what you hear when you play a song backwards -- try this one from distinguished SDS member and money-beat-reverser @Bob (original post below):
  13. From Shedhead extraordinare @chantale, see her original post below:
  14. What works is never lame. I have a lot of sticks as well... and yet still buy more 🧐
  15. Well hey, if that’s lame then I admire the genius of lame things! I could never wear those bands in my hair, it busts them right open. Drumstick holder has got to be their true use kept secret from us until now. I used to use a lovely big glass mosaic cookie jar to hold my sticks but that’s now in my kitchen holding utensils that don’t fit in the drawer. Now my sticks are in the stick bag but as I rotate through each pair in the ongoing challenge, I put it on a shelf. Thank you for the clever tip!
  16. This could be the most lame drum tip ever posted. In the Pick-my-sticks challenge I became aware that keeping my drumstick stash in an old trash can wasn't working... I was having a hard time finding a matching pair. But a beauty aid marketed to teenagers saved the day. These small clear elastic bands are perfect for keeping pairs together and are barely visible. I got 2,000 of them on Amazon for 4.99. Now my chaotic trash can is the Noah's Ark of drumstick holders.
  17. The Challenge saunters on -- I'm really having fun with it. Today, Mr. Selector chose the Promark Forward Balance sticks for me. His explanation was that he had chosen Promark's Rebound sticks yesterday, and he wanted me to have a contrasting experience. Contrast it certainly did. My practice exercises included grooves with 16th note hihats, which the sticks had me pushing to achieve smoothly. Due to that and the fact that I was working on these exercises towards the end of my practice session, I really started to feel it in my right hand, which is my non-dominant hand. (I'm a lefty who drums on a righty setup.) This was a good experience to discover limitations. I need to develop more strength and endurance using maple sticks and more normally balanced hickory sticks before attempting this daredevil feat again. That said, my right hand has come along way since my early drumming days when it would entirely miss the 6" practice pad more often than it hit it 🤪 I often felt like that hand was being remotely operated by someone else who was trying to mess me up.
  18. When you get your endorsement they can make a 'Chantale Signature 1A deluxe' 🧐
  19. These are the ones I use, what I would like is the same thing with a short taper instead of medium.🙂
  20. Ae these the sticks you are looking for: https://www.gear4music.com/Drums-and-Percussion/Vic-Firth-American-Classic-1A-Hickory-Drumsticks-Wood-Tip/WP7?origin=product-ads&gclid=CjwKCAjwsJ6TBhAIEiwAfl4TWPJLzBICFz-WMueKoZr84RDm2RovDxcYOZzVqfhxJAIPNy9dUnLl8hoCBmAQAvD_BwE
  21. Your boyfriend has a warrior spirit and knows you very well. Glad he was able to read you to find a way to motivate you. I bought F1, (used for fusion or electric jazz) it was the only pair at this store where there was a round tip and I wanted to try. The only other pair I have with this kind of tip is for marching drum and they are too big. I think I prefer the tip taj mahal of my 1a than round. But, the tapper of the 1a is medium, it is well balanced, when you find the right spot but with a short tapper the rebound is faster and I can feel it. I will need a 1a stick with a short taper and it would be perfect. It must exist.🙂
  22. This was one of the reasons I got into using them, I was playing in proggy/fusion bands mixing rock, reggae, folk etc and used to hit a lot of different things plus Bruford rim shot to cut through. They made sense at the time and were cheap 😁
  23. Your description makes me think they’d have a similar feel to my Promark Forward Balance sticks. They look worth trying out sometime, but I have to admit that I like the look of a drumstick with a shoulder and tip. I’m a sucker for aesthetics — probably made obvious as I am always going on about my signature sticks and the array of tape colors I use for grip. That said, the good rim shot/click potential is appealing.
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