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Jeff Porcaro - Toto


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I recall growing up and when a new album came out, going home and reading the album cover and sleeve to see who played on the album, over and over and over.

And when an album cover was a fold out like a book- that was fantastic! 

That's how I learned about Jim Keltner.  He played on everything, I thought!  When I stared to play the drums, the name Jeff Pocaro would pop up and I was told, " You know him, he's in Toto, the song Rosanna".

Last year I read It's About Time: Jeff Porcaro, The Man and His Music. Very good read, if you like to read. I was SHOCKED at all the songs that he played on that had spun on my stereo back in the day and no idea it was him. The days of vinyl.  One was Steely Dan, Katy Lied and my song from that album was and still is" Chain Lightning", it was 20-year old Jeff Pocaro. I have no idea how many weeks that album spun on my stereo. Warren Zevon, Excitable Boy- my song" Nightitme in the Switching Yard". As David also said, Rickie Lee Jones debut album (which Pocaro shared credit with Steve Gadd) and Donald Fagen -The Night Fly, my song on that album is the cover of " Ruby Baby"- original song by The Drifters.

And yes, Michael Jackson " Beat It"!!!!!!!

I could keep going on and on but, one last thing. Christopher Cross " Arthur's Theme (The Best You Can Do), that was also Pocaro. The line from the song "When you get caught between the moon and New York City" was taken from an unreleased song written by Peter Allen and Carole Bayer Sager (Burt Bacharach's one time wife).  Allen came up with the line while his plane was in a holding pattern during a night arrival at John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) in New York. I find that so amazing!

Here is a link to Mr.  Pocaro's wiki page. It's amazing


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