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Drumsticks and extreme heat


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Not long ago, I was going to see if one of my pairs of drumsticks would be accepted at Bookman's, a used book, game, and instrument store in my area.  It's actually where I bought my first kit.  I put the sticks in a box with some other things my husband and I were looking to sell there.

As I might have guessed, they rejected the sticks, and only accepted a couple of things from the box.  No problem, I thought, and put them back in the box, which went back into the trunk of my car...where we forgot it for the next two days.

Important detail: I live in Arizona, and it's the middle of the hottest summer on record.  Side note:  I have a friend nearby who actually bakes cookies on a cookie sheet placed on the dashboard of her car, and they are safe to eat.  

When I rediscovered the box and took the sticks out, they seemed fine.  I was wondering though whether leaving sticks in extreme heat could warp them, affect the sound, make them more breakable, or otherwise damage them in any way.  Has anyone experienced this?  


Edited by Julia
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The only time I've had it be an issue is when I was in New Orleans...I left several pairs in a hot car with something heavy on top of them. It warped the wood and I didn't realize it until I got on the gig (they feel SUPER weird when you hit the cymbals and fly off at irregular angles).

If they were just sitting there, they should be fine. Remember...wood is a living thing. So forests survive in crazy climates all of the time. But, they can be warped.

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