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Everything posted by David

  1. Albums Waltzin' with Flo The last set at Newport - Dave Brubeck Quartet We're All Together Again for the First Time - Dave Brubeck Quartet The Panther - Dexter Gordon Jazz Abroad - Quincy Jones YouTube Alan Dawson drum solo on Take Five Alan Dawson: Drum Solo "Fighting Tom Problems..." Alan Dawson Solo w/Sonny Rollins (1965)
  2. Albums A love supreme - John Coltrane Coltrane Plays the Blues - John Coltrane Speak No Evil - Wayne Shorter My Favorite things Olé Coltrane Ascension Poly-currents Crescent Night dreamer Heavy Sounds YouTube Different Drummer/Elvin Jones (complete) 1979 How to Sound Like Elvin Jones / Inside the Teaching Studio Elvin Jones Drum Solo Demonstration Take the "A" Train with solo by Elvin Jones - Duke Ellington Elvin Jones - Nice Jazz Festival 2000 - LIVE
  3. Albums Art Blakey's Jazz Messengers With Thelonious Monk Moanin Free for all Soul Station - Hank Mobley Something Else - Cannonball Adderley YouTube ART BLAKEY: DRUM SOLO - 1959 Art Blakey Drum Break - How To Drum Art Blakey: Jazz Messenger (1986 Documentary)
  4. Albums Workin’ - Miles Davis Milestones - Miles Davis 'Round About Midnight - Miles Davis Someday My Prince Will Come - Miles Davis Interplay - Bill Evans Dexter Calling - Dexter Gordon Blue Train - John Coltrane YouTube The Philly Joe Jones Solo Book with John Riley Jo Jones, a magician on drums, in Caravan 10 must-known drum solos by Philly Joe Jones + transcriptions (new)
  5. Albums Drums Unlimited Jazz in 3/4 time Tempus Fugit - Bud Powell Trio Clifford Brown & Max Roach Birth of the Cool - Miles Davis YouTube John Riley Drum Clinic: CLASSIC SOLO PHRASES: MAX ROACH Triplet Phrase Variations on Max Roach Themes / Inside the Teaching Studio
  6. I had a lot of fun the other day playing with some cheap brushes and a Kazoo and wondered what's the difference between the generic brushes (black) and the Vic Firth Jazz Brushes (white) I used for a jam sessions I had yesterday. Physically they are both similar, the handle on the VF's are a tiny bit longer and fan out a little wider when open. The black ones have nice rubber handles, very tactile, while the VF's are plastic with a textured grip, not as tactile as the black ones but still nice to play. The playing experience is quite comparable however the VC's do have a bit more 'bounce' and do sound a bit sharper. The VC's do work better on toms and cymbals, still gentle but a little more defined. Playing brushes is a completely different skill set to playing with sticks. I plan to do Stephens brush playing course now, specially now I'm using them on a few of the numbers I'm working on with my friend, I really likes the way they felt when I was playing 3/4 and 6/8 sections on a couple of the songs, like shakers but much more expressive, still getting used to how they work.
  7. I don't have anything I started with but I've had my kit about 37 years, still makes me happy. My first kit was a small jazz kit I got second hand, wish I still had it now.
  8. until
    Topic: SDS Social Date and Time: May 14 Join Zoom Meeting Link https://bham-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/89754193624?pwd=Tm14T3ROSVlrYVJzSDBrdzhqaHJiQT09 Meeting ID: 897 5419 3624 Passcode: bruford Time zones (please let me know if this is wrong) Added ones I know people are in, let me know if you want me to add others 🙂 6pm BST London 7pm CEST Paris/Berlin/Amsterdam/Madrid 8pm EEST Athens 10am PDT Los Angeles 11am MDT Denver 1pm EDT Boston 12pm CDT Nashville Check others here if not included: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html
  9. until

    Hi All This has now being held, was nice to catch up with Bob, Cynthia and John. I will post another Meeting in about 2 weeks and see if it's possible for Gant to add it to the calendar.
  10. When you get your endorsement they can make a 'Chantale Signature 1A deluxe' 🧐
  11. Ae these the sticks you are looking for: https://www.gear4music.com/Drums-and-Percussion/Vic-Firth-American-Classic-1A-Hickory-Drumsticks-Wood-Tip/WP7?origin=product-ads&gclid=CjwKCAjwsJ6TBhAIEiwAfl4TWPJLzBICFz-WMueKoZr84RDm2RovDxcYOZzVqfhxJAIPNy9dUnLl8hoCBmAQAvD_BwE
  12. I think if I get a bit of hose pipe I can make the Stagg sticks a lot more adjustable 🙂 All I need is some hose, a time machine, some Turkish delight and my axe!
  13. This was one of the reasons I got into using them, I was playing in proggy/fusion bands mixing rock, reggae, folk etc and used to hit a lot of different things plus Bruford rim shot to cut through. They made sense at the time and were cheap 😁
  14. until

    I'll capture some notes and share, calling them minutes would be a insult to minutes 🤣. I will check how people feel about recording it etc.
  15. 505s are great. I like the stagg ones because of the long shaft, they almost behave like a stick but softer attack. I expect the Rute-x to be tighter still. Quite expensive though, the staggs I got for about 12quid I think
  16. These look interesting: I have been using the something similar that Stagg make which are great, every much a cross between hot-rods and brushes:
  17. until

    I'm guessing there will be more of these and can discuss alternate times etc, sorry you'll miss this one though.
  18. Plain, unbranded timbale sticks, similar to 7B's in dimension just no tips. I think these are probably Hickory, certainly not Maple. They feel solid, dense and nice in my hands though they are smaller in diameter than my normal 5B's. Found playing with these really natural, would like them a with 5B diameter but to be honest it wasn't an issue. The biggest differences to my normal tipped sticks are Balance point: There is no shoulder s, in theory, you'd need to move the fulcrum up a little to get maximum bounce. Power: related to the fulcrum the additional weight a the front makes for a easy and consistently strong hit, still able to practice dynamics though. Cross-stick: no need to worry to much about turning the stick around or position, he rim click with these is consistently good, it also makes it good for playing cowbell Rim shots: Great for rim shots and Latin-like quick rolls, no surprise really, it's their main use. Dynamics: I would say for most but the most gentle of sicking thee work fine, though I personally wouldn't use them for Jazz. Great for laying own a strong rock or funk beat though. Had a lot of fun with these in a short time. I will do a comparison video with my main sticks as I would be interested in how they line up. I could see myself switching to using these a lot more f I found some a little thicker, but I could get used to these.
  19. until

    I think all of this is up for discussion in this meeting. Happy to do all the above though, I do expect payment in classic snare drums or warning points 🤣🤪
  20. until

    Do you work often on Saturdays? If you (and anyone else) posts in here times and days that are difficult I can try and vary things.
  21. until

    The calendar should automatically adjust to your timezone, for me it says 6 till 8pm, I've added the below to the event now/ 6pm BST London 7pm CEST Paris/Berlin/Amsterdam/Madrid 8pm EEST Athens 10am PDT Los Angeles 11am MDT Denver 1pm EDT Boston 12pm CDT Nashville
  22. until
    Join Zoom Meeting Link https://bham-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/85239265211?pwd=eHkzcGtDTHV2YWgvWC9PMjl1VG9JZz09 Meeting ID: 852 3926 5211 Passcode: bruford 2 hour session which you can join at any time 6pm BST London 7pm CEST Paris/Berlin/Amsterdam/Madrid 8pm EEST Athens 10am PDT Los Angeles 11am MDT Denver 1pm EDT Boston 12pm CDT Nashville
  23. Paint stirrers, hole fillers and other projects. I have thrown them away but I have plans 🙂
  24. I've had COVID, stopped me playing/practicing for a couple of weeks. Still tired but managed to play for an hour on Wednesday so the gig tonight goes on. You can get different diameters, I'll share info in my post, I have a few sets.
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