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Student Social Live Call - Wednesday 6th July 6PM BST



Event details

Topic: SDS Social
Date and Time: July 6th

Join Zoom Meeting Link


Meeting ID: 852 6897 9417
Passcode: bruford

Time zones (please let me know if this is wrong)

Added ones I know people are in, let me know if you want me to add others 🙂 

  • 6pm BST London
  • 7pm CEST Paris/Berlin/Amsterdam/Madrid
  • 8pm EEST Athens
  • 10am PDT Los Angeles
  • 11am MDT Denver
  • 1pm EDT Boston
  • 12pm CDT Nashville

Check others here if not included: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html though the calendar should automatically change to your timezone.

Edited by David

Recommended Comments

Guest chantale


Hey David, I just wanted to tell you, I'm interested in these calls but in the summer everything goes so fast, I live in the woods and the land is very big to maintain, so I have a thousand things to do that I don't don't have to do in the winter when I'm locked in the house because of the freezing cold. So, in October, I'll have more time and I'll be there, as I would like to be in the other live calls but now I prioritize my time for practices. I'm even less often on the forum, for the same reason. 🙂

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8 hours ago, chantale said:

Hey David, I just wanted to tell you, I'm interested in these calls but in the summer everything goes so fast, I live in the woods and the land is very big to maintain, so I have a thousand things to do that I don't don't have to do in the winter when I'm locked in the house because of the freezing cold. So, in October, I'll have more time and I'll be there, as I would like to be in the other live calls but now I prioritize my time for practices. I'm even less often on the forum, for the same reason. 🙂

Whenever you can make it you'll be very welcome.  Finding time to do anything isn't easy, now I'm playing more I'm spending less time on the forum.  In the middle of a project thats swallowing up a lot of time at the moment so I completely get it. 🙂 

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Hi David

Sorry to hear you're suffering - just wanted to wish you a speedy recovery.  Look forward to seeing you back on form very soon, but until then, take good care of yourself and concentrate on getting well. 

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