Jumplinks to Student Questions:
00:00:23 - Introduction
00:03:31 - Tips on soundproofing a shipping container, and what e-kit should I get?
00:09:16 - What advancements have you seen in technology in music?
00:20:01 - Having trouble balancing practice time between guitar & practice.
00:23:02 - Can you recommend software for writing sheet music?
00:24:42 - What is the best way to play along with music?
00:27:15 - Thoughts on incorporating percussion via triggers?
00:35:04 - Tips on recording e-drums on computer with DAW or MIDI?
00:43:10 - Where is the best place to mount a tablet for sheet music?
00:51:00 - Thoughts on brass snare drums?
00:55:05 - Updates on the website redesign?
00:56:58 - What is the best way to get drumless versions of songs?
00:59:30 - What are the long bars that hold extra cymbal mounts?
01:01:55 - Tips on dealing with "snare buzz" on 12" rack tom.
01:08:40 - Does the number of strands on snare wires make a difference?
01:10:13 - How do we email in video and how long should the video be?
01:12:47 - What is the best way to record e-drums over YouTube recording?
00:21:19 - Housekeeping