Drum Smoother, Faster, & With Less Effort...Minus The Frustration
A step-by-step system to revolutionize your drumming technique

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Drum Technique Made Simple
An intuitive process that works on the foundation of your drumming. Build the foundation your drumming needs!
Drum techniques you'll actually use
Applicable, practical, organized...they're some of my favorite words. Grow your drumming in ways that make you a better musician.
Kick confusion in the face
Turn off that firehose of random information. Plug in with focus and learn systems that you can use for a lifetime.
Hear from the students...
"Bottom line, he knows his stuff and he knows how to teach it! Stephen, your lessons are awesome man."

Chris Lockhart (aka c.lock) • Columbus, Georgia
"I appreciate all the organization and planning you've put into these excellent lessons."

Deanna Valley • Stillwater, Oklahoma
"It's been great to have access to videos of a great drummer explaining different fills, grooves, techniques, and applications of rudiments around the kit. Thank you so much for what you do Stephen!"
Ethan Berumez • Richmond, Virginia
Select Your Ultimate Hand Technique Course Experience Below
NOTE: If you are a current DBD member, you have streaming access to these courses. However, if you want to download them and keep them forever, this is the way to do that.
Hand Technique 101 - (39% OFF)
Limited Time Offer
  • 39% OFF Regular Price
  • A system for learning relaxed & effortless hand technique
  • Complete blueprint for rebound & The Moeller Stroke
  • Course starts immediately upon signup
  • Video or audio student reviews by Stephen upon request
  • 8 video lessons w/ PDF sheet music
  • Video downloads of all lessons
  • Download links for all sheet music
  • Streaming access to entire course
  • No membership needed
  • Lifetime access to download links
  • 14 day money back guarantee
Foot Technique 101 - (39% OFF)
Limited time offer
  • 39% OFF Regular Price
  • A system for learning relaxed & effortless foot technique
  • Course starts immediately upon signup  
  • Video or audio student reviews by Stephen upon request
  • 10 video lessons & PDF sheet music
  • Video downloads of all lessons
  • Download links for all sheet music
  • Streaming access to entire course
  • No membership needed
  • Lifetime access to download links
  • 14 day money back guarantee
Combo - BEST VALUE!!! - (54% OFF )
  • 54% OFF Regular Price
  • Hand Technique 101 (Regular $129)
  • Foot Drum Technique 101 (Regular $129)
  • Two 8 week courses
  • Courses start immediately upon signup
  • Video or audio student reviews by Stephen upon request
  • Video downloads of all lessons
  • Download links for all sheet music
  • Streaming access to entire courses
  • No membership needed
  • Lifetime access to download links
  • 14 day money back guarantee
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Complete Course Descriptions
Hand Technique 101
The purpose of this 8 week course is to teach you how to play with a relaxed and effortless technique. It focuses on several techniques that will help you utilize the natural motions and movements of the stick to create incredible speed and agility around the kit.
  • Week 1: How To Grip The Stick: Our concept on what a grip IS and what it can do for our playing has to be correct from the beginning. I don't think of this in terms of "German, American, French" grips. Those are POSITIONS. Our GRIP is how we cradle and hold the stick. The goal is to redefine what "fulcrum" means to you, show you how it can help you play faster with less effort, and explain how a relaxed grip is KEY to this.
  • Week 2: Common Hand Technique Problems: Being aware of problems before you encounter them helps you recognize them and deal with them before they become problems for YOU. I have been teaching for 22 years. I have taught tens of thousands of drummers. There are some very common issues I see recurring in all players, regardless of if they are a beginner or a pro.
  • Week 3: The Gladstone/Free Stroke: This is a very basic stroke that helps you understand how much energy is in the stick, how we can redirect it, and how LITTLE we actually have to do to get the stick to move. Once you understand this, you can move on to the Moeller stroke and other concepts to help you master your new found effortless movements that the Gladstone Stroke helps you work.
  • Week 4: The Moeller Stroke & Moeller Pumping Motion: You have probably heard tale of the infamous "Moeller" technique. Here's the's not as hard as people make it out to be and oftentimes it is taught incorrectly. I have taken lessons from former students of Jim Chapin...who studied with Sanford Moeller himself (the creator of the technique). The Moeller stroke helps you get more bang for your buck. It's like getting 3 cokes for the price of 1. Once you understand the basic whipping motion and the Moeller pumping motion, the rest begins to fall in to place. I give you specific exercises to help you work on this extremely useful technique. Effortless speed.
  • Week 5: Moeller Multiple Bounce 3 Stroke: This is a continuation of the last lesson. You utilize what you learned with the Gladstone stroke and the basics of the Moeller whipping motion to generate 3 strokes with one hit. Exercises that help you DIG DEEP and really master effortless hand technique
  • Week 6: Moeller Multiple Bounce 4 & 5 Stroke: Going even deeper with the concept of rebound, I teach you exactly how to harness the rebound of the stick to create 4, 5, and even 6 strokes with one hit. Specific exercises to help you work all of them out.
  • Week 7: Mixed Moeller Strokes: My problem when I was learning the Moeller stroke was that I never understood how to interlace all of the accents, 2 strokes, 3 strokes, 4 strokes, etc. in to my playing. There was a gap. This lesson focuses on exercises that will help you to learn to go between all of the different multiple note Moeller strokes effortlessly. Once you get this down, you're one step away from putting it on the toms and FLYING.
  • Week 8: Moeller Stroke - Interlacing The Hands: This is a BIG one. This entire lesson and all of the exercises I teach in it has to do with helping you understand HOW to interlace both hands for seamless single stroke rolls at speeds you haven't DREAMED OF before. And it all feels effortless. Those are the words of my students btw, not mine.
Foot Drum Technique 101
This 8 week course focuses on demystifying foot drum technique and teaching you some solid fundamentals. Foot technique is one of the most overlooked areas in drumming. This course aims to familiarize you with several foot techniques and how to apply them to your playing. 

  • Week 1: Heel Down Technique: A complete deep dive on playing the bass drum with the heel down technique. What are its strengths, what are its weaknesses, how do you correctly perform the technique, and exercises to work on it. A fantastic technique to help you play with more control, more finesse, and at lower volumes.
    BONUS VIDEO: A practice breakout session to help you understand how to approach this in your practice time.
  • Week 2: Heel Up Technique: A complete deep dive on playing the bass drum with the heel up technique. What are its strengths, what are its weaknesses, how do you correctly perform the technique, and exercises to work on it. Great for power, multiple strokes, and speed.
    BONUS VIDEO: A practice breakout session to help you understand how to approach this in your practice time.
  • Week 3: Combining Heel Up & Heel Down: Ok, so this is where it got tricky for me. How the heck do we go in between these two popular foot techniques? I give you exercises to work on fusing the gap between the two techniques and apply them to your playing.
  • Week 4: Constant Release Part 1: Each technique that you learn is simply a different tool in your toolbox. It's not "should I play heel up or heel down?". It's "when is it more appropriate to play "x" technique?". Constant Release is a very intuitive foot technique that, much like the Moeller stroke with the hands, helps you use not only the downstroke of the foot but also the upstroke of the foot. Great for speed and multiple notes in a row!
  • ​Week 5: Constant Release Part 2: A continuation of the last lesson where we go even deeper on the Constant Release technique. Exercises designed to help you master and incorporate this useful technique in to your live drumming.
  • Week 6: The Rocking Motion: When I was a kid, I was ALWAYS getting in trouble for bouncing my leg at the dinner table. Well, turns out, when you're a drummer, that's a good thing! This lesson will help you break out what the rocking motion is and how you can utilize it in your playing.
  • Week 7: Heel Toe Technique: There seems to be a lot of mystery around this technique. And in its essence, it's very simple. It helps you utilize the up and down motion of the foot for more speed as well as more power.
  • Week 8: Adding The Hands: This is where I made a mistake coming up. I would learn techniques and never learn how to integrate them in to the rest of my playing. This lesson helps to fix that issue by giving you exercises to work on using your new foot techniques with the hands.
Hand Technique 101
The purpose of this 8 week course is to teach you how to play with a relaxed and effortless technique. It focuses on several techniques that will help you utilize the natural motions and movements of the stick to create incredible speed and agility around the kit.
  • Week 1: How To Grip The Stick: Our concept on what a grip IS and what it can do for our playing has to be correct from the beginning. I don't think of this in terms of "German, American, French" grips. Those are POSITIONS. Our GRIP is how we cradle and hold the stick. The goal is to redefine what "fulcrum" means to you, show you how it can help you play faster with less effort, and explain how a relaxed grip is KEY to this.
  • Week 2: Common Hand Technique Problems: Being aware of problems before you encounter them helps you recognize them and deal with them before they become problems for YOU. I have been teaching for 22 years. I have taught tens of thousands of drummers. There are some very common issues I see recurring in all players, regardless of if they are a beginner or a pro.
  • Week 3: The Gladstone/Free Stroke: This is a very basic stroke that helps you understand how much energy is in the stick, how we can redirect it, and how LITTLE we actually have to do to get the stick to move. Once you understand this, you can move on to the Moeller stroke and other concepts to help you master your new found effortless movements that the Gladstone Stroke helps you work.
  • Week 4: The Moeller Stroke & Moeller Pumping Motion: You have probably heard tale of the infamous "Moeller" technique. Here's the's not as hard as people make it out to be and oftentimes it is taught incorrectly. I have taken lessons from former students of Jim Chapin...who studied with Sanford Moeller himself (the creator of the technique). The Moeller stroke helps you get more bang for your buck. It's like getting 3 cokes for the price of 1. Once you understand the basic whipping motion and the Moeller pumping motion, the rest begins to fall in to place. I give you specific exercises to help you work on this extremely useful technique. Effortless speed.
  • Week 5: Moeller Multiple Bounce 3 Stroke: This is a continuation of the last lesson. You utilize what you learned with the Gladstone stroke and the basics of the Moeller whipping motion to generate 3 strokes with one hit. Exercises that help you DIG DEEP and really master effortless hand technique
  • Week 6: Moeller Multiple Bounce 4 & 5 Stroke: Going even deeper with the concept of rebound, I teach you exactly how to harness the rebound of the stick to create 4, 5, and even 6 strokes with one hit. Specific exercises to help you work all of them out.
  • Week 7: Mixed Moeller Strokes: My problem when I was learning the Moeller stroke was that I never understood how to interlace all of the accents, 2 strokes, 3 strokes, 4 strokes, etc. in to my playing. There was a gap. This lesson focuses on exercises that will help you to learn to go between all of the different multiple note Moeller strokes effortlessly. Once you get this down, you're one step away from putting it on the toms and FLYING.
  • Week 8: Moeller Stroke - Interlacing The Hands: This is a BIG one. This entire lesson and all of the exercises I teach in it has to do with helping you understand HOW to interlace both hands for seamless single stroke rolls at speeds you haven't DREAMED OF before. And it all feels effortless. Those are the words of my students btw, not mine.
Hand Technique 102
This 7 week course focuses on demystifying finger control, push/pull (drop/grab) technique, as well as how to tie the fingers in to the other techniques we learned in Hand Technique 101.  German & French hand positions are covered in depth.
  • Week 1: Finger Control w/ French Grip: I'm all for using rebound when we can...but sometimes we need to involve the fingers in our drumming. If you have never isolated and trained this area, this can be a problematic area. In Lesson 1 of Hand Technique 102 we break down just how the fingers move, go through useful exercises to help you master the motions, and begin to build that finger dexterity and strength your favorite drummers have.
  • Week 2: Finger Control w/ German Grip: Since German Grip is a different hand position, this causes the fingers to move in a different way. Small adjustments to your finger technique that you learned in Lesson 1 will allow you to master German Grip finger control.
  • Week 3: Push/Pull (Drop/Grab) w/ French Grip: The ever elusive Push/Pull technique. I get asked about this more than just about anything with drumming. And it's a pretty simple technique on the surface...but the motions can take a while to master. This lesson has all of the exercises you will need to begin conquering this popular finger technique.
  • Week 4: Push/Pull (Drop/Grab) w/ German Grip: Just like with Week 2, when we learned that the fingers move differently when in German position...the Push/Pull technique also looks different in German position. This lesson will give you all of the exercises and info you need to master this very useful technique in the German hand position.
  • ​Week 5: Interlacing The Hands: This lesson is KEY. It will take the things we have been working on in each individual hand and combine them so that you can play effortless single and double stroke rolls. In my own learning, This is an often skipped step that is crucial to you seeing the success you want in your drum rolls.
  • Week 6: Combining Technique Pt.1: It's one thing to learn the Free Stroke and Moeller and Finger Control and Push/'s a whole other world to learn how to combine flow between them effortlessly. This lesson begins to bring the Moeller stroke back in to the picture and shows you exactly how to bridge the gap between rebound strokes and finger control. 2 pages of exercises to help your hands fly!
  • Week 7: Combining Techniques Pt.2: This lesson continues where week 6 left off. Because of the amount of techniques you now have at your disposal, it takes longer than one lesson to show you how to pull them all together. At the end of this lesson, you will have the raw materials to exceed all of your hand speed dreams.
"I can honestly say that I've learned more memorable, versatile and useful drum info and techniques than all my former years and teachers combined!"

Christo Young
"I have seen my drumming drastically improve."
Brian Rodgers
Talbott, TN, USA
 "The thing that really makes SDS special is I feel like Stephen is truly with me on this journey. The tailored feedback...the fact that Stephen communicates with me on a regular basis. Those are the things you won't find anywhere else...basically you can't find Stephen anywhere else :) . It's been a huge part of me going from total newb to playing live shows at top notch venues in my area in less than a year."
Clint Hardesty
Norman, Oklahoma, USA
"When all hope was lost, I found Stephen’s lessons on YouTube. And wow, what a difference in my playing ever since I signed up for lessons at"

Annaliese Bronz
"Simply put, in fifteen years of drumming, no DVD, lesson, magazine article or book has helped me more than the Shed."
Tim Bean